Our work seeks to revise drafts of proposed thesis or research projects of undergraduate and TSU, using natural language techniques. We are considering some elements such as problem statement, justification, objectives, research questions, hypotheses, methodology and conclusions, based on what authors argue research methodology as important.

To review the drafts, have established some things to consider, one is the content written in the "Conclusions" section. Sometimes students write a list of results into a conclusion , eg "we implemented a web system", "the objectives were successfully achieved," which is not itself a conclusion.

One conclusion, by the authors of methodology [1], should include:

  • A global response to the research question.
  • The analysis of compliance with each of the objectives of the research.
  • The acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis.
  • The contrast between the foundations and results analyzing each paragraph of fundamentals and commenting in relation to the results.
  • The constraints impeding the investigation Besides judgments or opinions on research conducted or performed.

Experiment Instructions:

The objective of this experiment is to evaluate a set of conclusions on three elements:

  1. Connecting objective conclusions It is intended that the conclusion gives evidence that the objectives were achieved through their results. For example:

    1. Objective: To develop a system for monitoring and control of light on common areas through a programmable logic controller (PLC).
    2. Conclusion (part): ... It has accomplished the communication between the software (LabVIEW) and hardware (PLC), to minimize energy use in laboratories, cubicles and common areas presented ...

  2. Evidence of judgments or opinions: This item looks for evidence that the student has issued judgments and / or opinions regarding their results. For example:

    1. It was shown that the use of conceptual graphs, and general semantic representations in text mining is feasible, but especially beneficial for improving the descriptive level results.

  3. Evidence of future work or derivations of work: It's expected the conclution includes signs of some future work. For example:

    1. The system could be used to control access to both a computer lab and an electronics laboratory. (Derivation of work)
    2. This work can be handled in steps as a prototype. (Future work).

Steps to assess:

  1. To the element Connecting the objective with conclisions ,it is requested mark with yellow on the conclusion, sentences (or part thereof) which it considers to give evidence of this feature.

  2. To the element Evidence of judgments or opinions, it is requested mark the value identified in the conclusion with any color in the corresponding right, , according to the following scale:

    1. Yes, a lot of.
    2. Yes, little bit.
    3. There isn't judgement.

  3. To the elemnt Evidence of future work or job referrals , it is requested to mark with green on the conclusion, sentences (or part thereof) which it considers to give evidence of this feature.

Note: It may be the case that some conclutions don't show the three elements.


Rolón A. J., Laria M. J., Rodriguez G. A., Vázquez P. J. Guide to the report of scientific research. Committee licentiate thesis. Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.2007.

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